COVID-19 related Product

R&D | Pall Laboratory helping COVID-19 research around the globe

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작성자 영사이언스 작성일



안녕하세요, ㈜영사이언스 입니다.

현재 신종 코로나바이러스감염(COVID-19)증 확진자 수가 전 세계적으로 급증하는 세계적 대유행을 겪고 있습니다.

PALL은 COVID-19 팬데믹을 극복하기 위한 연구 및 방안을 적극 지원하고 있습니다.

코로나 관련 실험 및 치료제 개발에 적용 가능한 PALL 품목에 대한 자료를 보내 드리오니,

아래 제품 링크 확인해 보시고 문의 사항 있으시면 언제든지 연락 주세요.


COVID-19 is impacting us all

Pall Laboratory products are helping researchers around the globe. Offering filtration solutions for workflows such as sterile filtration of media, reagents and kits, cell culture, protein purification, QA/QC and RNA/DNA isolation.

Pall has a complete lineup of filtration products for all size needs such as syringe filters, centrifugal devices, filter microplates, capsules, air/gas filters, vacuum devices, membrane discs, filter holders and more.

For more Pall Laboratory COVID-19 product information

Here are examples of where our products are being used in COVID-19 research:

AcroPak capsules are being used for sterile filtration of media used in COVID-19 test kits

Fast, final filtration and high throughputs for liquid volumes.

Minimate TFF system used in COVID-19 research concentrating viral proteins

Streamline laboratory scale concentration, desalting, and buffer exchange processes.

Acrodisc® syringe filters used in QC testing of Chloroquine for COVID-19 research

Universal membrane filters for all your analytical filtration requirements.

Sterile, Acrodisc syringe filters used for sterile filtration of cell cultures for COVID-19 research

Nanosep® NAB spin device is being used for RNA extraction of COVID-19 prior to RT-PCR

Real-time quantitative PCR Mircoarrays cDNA library construction northern blot analysis.



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