
[YSI News] Lonza Webinar: Testing Biological Products for Endotoxin Co…

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작성자 영사이언스 작성일21-06-11 11:57 조회1,084회 댓글0건




2021.6 Issue61 



안녕하세요. ㈜영사이언스입니다.

생물학적 제품은 항혈청이나 백신 같은 기본적인 생물학적 제제에서 세포 및 유전자 치료에 이르기까지 다양한 용도와 형태로 제공됩니다. 이러한 다양한 생물학적 의료 제품과 생산 시 사용되는 원료들은 규제 측면을 적합하게 고려하여 Endotoxin test를 수행해야 하며, 일부 생물학적 제품에서 관찰되는 “Low Endotoxin Recovery”와 발열성에 대한 관리 규제를 확인해야 합니다.

이와 관련하여 Lonza 사의 Global Subject Matter Expert Allen Burgenson이 생물학적 제품 및 그 원료의 Endotoxin Test에 대한 내용으로 Webinar를 개최할 예정입니다.


• 주제: Testing Biological Products for Endotoxin Content

• 세부 내용:
  - The various biologic medical products and their raw materials
  - Types of tests currently carried out for the presence of contaminating endotoxin
  - The regulatory positions governing testing biologics for pyrogenicity
  - How to overcome testing interferences
  - The special case of low endotoxin recovery (LER)

• 일정: 2021 6 22 (화요일) 오후 4시 또는 오후 11
  (Note: Webinar
는 동일한 내용으로 2회 진행됩니다. 가능한 일정으로 신청하시면 됩니다.)

Webinar 신청은 아래 [Register Here] 버튼을 클릭하신 후 등록하시면 됩니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Webinar 또는 Lonza 사 제품 관련 질문이나 필요한 부분이 있으시면 ㈜영사이언스 (tech@youngscience.com / 070-5007-9261~4)로 문의 주십시오.








Lonza Bioscience Solutions



Image showing packed vials






Webinar: Testing Biological Products for Endotoxin Content

Dear QC Testing Professional,

Biologic products come in many forms for many applications, from vaccines to cell and gene therapies. In this webinar, Allen Burgenson, Lonza Global Subject Matter Expert for Testing Solutions, will discuss considerations for testing biologics and their raw materials for the presence of contaminating endotoxins.

Topics to be covered include:

  • The various biologic medical products and their raw materials

  • Types of tests currently carried out for the presence of contaminating endotoxin

  • The regulatory positions governing testing biologics for pyrogenicity

  • How to overcome testing interferences

  • The special case of low endotoxin recovery (LER)

To attend this free webinar, please register for one of the sessions below:




Allen L. Burgenson, Global Subject Matter Expert for Testing Solutions, Lonza Bioscience
Presenter: Allen L. Burgenson
Global Subject Matter Expert
for Testing Solutions,
Lonza Bioscience

Travis Wallace, Scientific Support Specialist, Lonza Bioscience

Moderator: Travis Wallace
Scientific Support Specialist,
Lonza Bioscience

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Session 1 - Europe and Asia Pacific
9 AM CEST (Berlin)
12:30 PM IST (Mumbai)
3 PM CST and SGT (Shanghai and Singapore)
4 PM JST (Tokyo)
5 PM AEST (Melbourne)

Register Here for Session 1
Session 2 - Americas and Europe
8 AM PDT (Los Angeles)
11 AM EDT (New York)
4 PM BST (London)
5 PM CEST (Berlin)

Register Here for Session 2


Each presentation lasts 45 minutes and is followed by a live Q&A session.

Unable to attend?
Register now for Session 1 or Session 2 and receive an email notification once the recordings are available for on-demand viewing.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Your Lonza QC Testing Team







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